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The Honest Truth About Dishonesty
"Most major betrayals within organizations -- from accounting fraud to doping in sports -- start with a first step that crosses the line, according to Dan Ariely, a leading behavioral economist at Duke and author of 'The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone -- Especially Ourselves.' In this interview with Wharton management professor Adam Grant, Ariely helps leaders understand h... posted on Apr 08 2014, 24,988 reads


21 Technologies That Will Decentralize The World
"Across the planet new technologies and business models are decentralizing power and placing it in the hands of communities and individuals." Fred Wilson, venture capitalist and futurist speaks compellingly about this transition. Here is a list of 21 technologies that over the next ten years will spur this process of decentralization.... posted on Apr 07 2014, 183,537 reads


The Woman Who Saved 200 Sloths
"Monique Pool first fell in love with sloths when she took in an orphan from a rescue centre. Since then many sloths have spent time in her home on their way back to the forest -- but even she found it hard to cope when she had to rescue 200 at once. It all began in 2005 when Pool lost her dog, and called the Suriname Animal Protection Society to see if they'd found it. They hadn't, but they told ... posted on Apr 06 2014, 10,572 reads


Birdman & The Shining Fire Hydrant
At first thought, prison might seem like an unusual place to go mining for wisdom. But Insight-Out might make you think differently. Insight-Out refers to a special program at California state prison San Quentin. It is a program that guides inmates on a healing process so they are able to come back out transformed and ready to serve others. One man, known simply as Birdman, offers a small story fr... posted on Apr 05 2014, 13,551 reads


The Power of 1% Shifts: Or How One Coach Beat the Odds
Imagine a scenario where you set your goal to win the Tour de France in five years time--and instead, you do it in three, and win it twice in a row. Not only that, your team goes on to win 70 percent of the Gold medals at the Olympics in the very same year you break your record for the Tour de France. Sound like a dream? This is what happened for the British cyclists on Team Sky when instead of fo... posted on Apr 04 2014, 81,185 reads


We Are Connected In Mysterious Ways
"In some mysterious way I am you and you are I. Certainly, I don't feel that I've understood this as deeply as it may be possible to understand it. But there is some way in which I have to be able to listen to you if I want to move in the direction of the kind of life that's possible for us here. There is nothing sentimental about that. There is something mysterious, I would say." In this powerful... posted on Apr 03 2014, 21,238 reads


Vancouver's Duck Lady
Take a walk in downtown Vancouver on a sunny day and you might just run into Laura-Kay Prophet and Bobbi the Duck. Or, more precisely, Bobbi V. Laura-Kay got her first duck, Harvey, in 1980, but it was the first Bobbi, that spurred her to start Duck $oup, a private charity that Laura-Kay funds from her pension and occasional part-time work. Bobbi I started laying one or two eggs a day, so Laura-Ka... posted on Apr 02 2014, 4,059 reads


Pop-Up Clothing Swap For the Homeless
When Kayli Levitan and Max Pazak found themselves confronted with the growing homeless population in their native Cape Town, South Africa -- they immediately set out to develop a solution. The challenge? Connecting the haves with the have-nots in a manner unlike any before. "We wanted to bridge the gap...making it easy and safe to donate and more dignified to receive. The middle ground we needed w... posted on Apr 01 2014, 20,451 reads


What Does A Grateful Organization Look Like?
When was the last time you expressed gratitude to a co-worker, or received expressions of gratitude from one? Or when was the last time you thanked or were thanked by your supervisor? According to the latest research, gratitude in organizations is extremely significant -- for starters, it can boost morale and increase productivity. A recent quiz developed by the Greater Good Science Center, reve... posted on Mar 31 2014, 17,528 reads


A Radical Homemaker Celebrates 40
Shannon Hayes, mother and homemaker on a family farm, used to spend birthdays mourning the passing of another year. But on her 40th she decides instead to spend the day in celebration and joy by giving herself an important gift. In this touching piece, Shannon shares how she learned that turning 40 meant being "grown-up enough, confident enough, fearless enough to face my deepest, most secret drea... posted on Mar 30 2014, 17,971 reads


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Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.
A. A. Milne

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